Late Breaking Abstract Submission
The Late Breaking Abstract Submission for Dentistry 4.0 2025 is now open.
The Scientific Committe invites clinicians and researchers to submit their Late Breaking Abstracts until Thursday 13th February, 23.59 hrs.
Selected abstracts will be included at the event as poster presentation.
Abstract submission guidelines
Deadline for submission: February 13, 2025, 23:59 CET
Notifications about the outcome of the abstract assessment will be sent to all presenting authors at the end of February.
Please read the instructions carefully.
Abstract Format
• The text must not exceed 250 words (minimum 200), excluding title and authors.
• Grant references must be included at the end of the abstract text.
• A maximum of 50 authors with 3 institutions per author is allowed. However, the size of the author block must not exceed 3,000 characters.
• Abstract structure: Background - Material and Methods - Results - Conclusion
• No tables & graphics are allowed.
• Download a sample abstract with instructions
Before you get started…
Type your abstract in a common Word Processor (e.g. MS Word). Please save a copy of the file with the abstract text only (no title or authors). This file can then be used for a “file upload” (most convenient way of submission). The upload feature supports and converts tables within the document. Special characters are widely supported.
General Information on Abstract Submission and FAQ
Content – Authors
• Can you submit a paper that has already been presented at another meeting or published?
This is acceptable. However, chances are that your work will only be accepted allocated as e-Poster, not as a talk. Please indicate accordingly during the submission process.
• Disambiguation of Presenting Author, First Author and Submitter
– Presenting Author is the person who will present the poster/talk at the meeting. Note that you can be presenting author of only one abstract, but co-author of any number of abstracts.
– First Author is usually the person who did the main part of the research in the study. She or he can, but does not necessarily have to be the presenting author.
– Submitter is the person who enters the abstract into the submission system. She or he can, but does not necessarily have to be one of the authors. The system will pre-fill the first author with the contact data of the submitter, but this can of course be amended.
Acceptance criteria
• Identical submissions from different first authors will be automatically rejected.
• Abstracts containing no results or structure will be rejected.
• Abstracts with the obvious goal of advertising corporate products or services, will be rejected.
Browser Issues
• For optimum results when using the Online Submission System, it is recommended that you use one of the following browsers: Google Chrome 33 or higher, Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher, Mozilla FireFox 16 or higher, Safari 5.0 or higher.
• Please note that in rare cases you may encounter an issue copy/pasting from Word for Mac, triggering an error message that your title cannot exceed 1,000 characters. In this case please reload the page and either type or copy/paste the title from a plain text application.
• Please note that you must also have JavaScript and Cookies enabled in your browser preferences in order for the system to function properly.
Corrections – Amendments
• The title of your abstract is displayed in the submission site, together with the information on whether the submission is complete or incomplete. To edit the abstract, simply click on the title of your abstract. A new tab will open in your browser with the submission form. In here you can then edit your abstract.
• Changes and editing can be made until the submission deadline. In case of a mistake during the submission, it is not necessary to re-submit a “new abstract”. Click on the step to be amended and make the correction.
• Aborted submissions can be picked up and completed at a later stage. Authors are able to login and to select the incomplete abstract in order to continue the submission until the deadline.
• The submission system stores the information in “real time”. The moment you reach the summary within the submission process and the system tells you “This submission is complete” your abstract is completed and has been received. However, you will still be able to come back and make modifications until the deadline.
• Please make sure you print the summary page for your records. The system also has an e-mail confirmation feature. Simply click the appropriate link on the summary page and fill in your email address(es) in the appropriate box.
• For support during the submission process, please send an email to