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Dentistry 4.0 - Abstracts

Abstract Submission will open soon.

Abstract submission guidelines

Deadline for submission: December 11, 2024, 23:59 CET

Please read the instructions carefully.

Abstract Format
• The text must not exceed 250 words (minimum 200), excluding title and authors.
• Grant references must be included at the end of the abstract text.
• A maximum of 50 authors with 3 institutions per author is allowed. However, the size of the author block must not exceed 3,000 characters.
• Abstract structure: Background - Material and Methods - Results - Conclusion
• No tables & graphics are allowed.
• Download a sample abstract with instructions

Before you get started…
Type your abstract in a common Word Processor (e.g. MS Word). Please save a copy of the file with the abstract text only (no title or authors). This file can then be used for a “file upload” (most convenient way of submission). The upload feature supports and converts tables within the document. Special characters are widely supported.